6th Grade Sunday School Lesson Plan

Second Unit:  The Fall of Man

Lesson #9 The Fall of Man, Section 3 of 3


Theme for the year:  "God is my friend"  Father's Words "Do not be discouraged.  Even though sometimes you feel that there is no God, know that He is always present.  With That feeling you must remember that God is with you." The Way of Tradition, Vol. 1, p. 2


Father's Words for the Fall of Man Unit:  "Chastity and keeping pure is the greatest thing in our group."  The Way of Tradition, Vol. 3, p. 9.


Warm Up


Have the students fill out the following form:


After the form is filled out, collect them.


As a group, rate each category listed, using the following scale:


1(Not Godly/bad)       2(Not very good)      3(OK)     4(Good)     5(Great/Godly)


Ask the students about the effect of having Give and Take with thinks that are not God centered.

Ask if they think that popular culture effects their lives much, or not.

Explain:  Every thought we have or action we do sets a condition for either God or Satan to influence us.


Say:  Today we will talk about how Satan influences us, and we will learn about the four fallen natures.  Understanding these points can help us make good choices about what is good to see and hear.

Rating the Culture


Name: _____________________________________________


List your four favorite songs:

1. _______________________________________

2. _______________________________________

3. _______________________________________

4. _______________________________________



List 3 movies that you have seen recently:





What are your favorite TV shows?

1. __________________________________

2. __________________________________

3. __________________________________


Which person or persons in our society do you look up to?

1. __________________________________

2, __________________________________

3, __________________________________

Divine Principle Lesson

I.          The Results of the Fall

A. Satan and Fallen Man

            If Adam and Eve had not fallen they would have become true incarnations of God's   vertical love, established God's horizontal love as husband & wife, and borne children of    goodness.





            Perfected Adam(God's Love)Perfected Eve


                                    Good Children

                        (God's dominion over Creation through man)




            Fallen Adam(False 'love')Fallen Eve


                                    Children with original sin

                        (Satan's dominion over Creation through man)]


A pseudo four position foundation centered on Satan's false 'love and Satan was formed


B. Satan's Actions in the Fallen World

Satan can perform  satanic actions only when he has an object with whom he has a reciprocal base.



Physical World                    Spiritual World

            Physical Self  Spirit Self

                        O         O        -------->            O<-----O

Evil               -- |--      -- |--                             -- |--      --|--

thoughts          ^            ^        <--------            ^------> ^

& actions                                                   Evil Sprit   Satan



                        ^    |

                          |    v

Physical Self  Spirit Self

                        O         O        ---X----->         O<----- O

Good           -- |--      -- |--                             -- |--       --|--

thoughts          ^            ^        <---X-----         ^-------> ^

& actions                                                   Evil Sprit   Satan


C.  Good and Evil Seen form the Viewpoint of Purpose

            Whether an action is good or evil is determined by whether the motive , direction and purpose are toward the Will of God or toward the will of Satan.

D. Sin


1. Sin is an act or though which violates heavenly law, creating the condition through which one forms a reciprocal base with Satan and enters into a give and take relationship with him, directly or indirectly. 

2.  Types of sin:

            Original, Hereditary, Collective, and Personal


E.  The Fallen Nature:


1.  Not loving as God loves (Failure to see Adam from God's viewpoint)

2.  Leaving the proper position

3.  Reversing the order of dominion(or rule)

4.  Multiplying sin




Make teams of four or less.  Give the following description of fallen natures, and then give a point to the team giving the correct name of the fallen nature described first.


1.  Trying to dominate your parents instead of being obedient to them (Reversing the order of rule)

2.  Committing the Fall (Leaving the proper position(as a Blessed Child)

3.  Spreading rumors about others(Multiplying evil)

4.  Fighting with your brother or sister(Failure to take God's and your parents viewpoint in loving others)

5.  Making fun of a classmate who is doing well (Failure to take God's viewpoint in loving others)


Now ask each team to tell what each fallen nature is, and give one point for each one given correctly.