
Walter Piorkowski was sent to Argentina on March 10, 1973 from the United States, the first step in the providence since Reverend Moon had consecrated a Holy Ground here on July 7, 1965, during his world tour. Missionary work was thus set in motion.

In 1975, upon returning from London after listening to a Principle lecture, Miss Liliana Veloso from Argentina witnessed to her friend, Yolanda Rocca Fredda, and later on, Ruben Montero joined the church after hearing the Principle. These three people formed the core of witnessing activity in Argentina in its early days.

Thomas Field came to work as the national leader in Argentina, and organized a forty-day missionary campaign with the members. The members worked day and night, making a special dedicated effort. The small church in Buenos Aires was filled with people until three or four o'clock in the morning, and this became the driving force for church development. In June 1981, the church was legally registered with the government, and in 1983, it purchased a seventy-acre farm to use as a training center. With the help of Japanese members, the church purchased a 500-acre farm, Nim Farm, which is being used as accommodation for trainees, and as a church.

Because of the media persecution which began in 1984 while Reverend Moon was in Danbury prison, church membership did not increase for four years. Feature articles in magazines and negative television coverage during prime viewing time accounted for this.

While Reverend Moon was in Danbury prison, La Plata Catholic University, represented by Dr. Nicolas Argentato, awarded him an honorary doctorate. Because of this, Dr. Argentato was attacked by the press and television, and two bombs exploded at the university. Police searched the Unification Church center and five members were arrested. Finally, after earnest efforts in legal representation, the church won the unanimous judgment of the supreme court.

The court held that anyone over fourteen years of age had the right, and freedom, to choose their religion, and that the Unification Church had a right not to be subjected to violence in Argentina: the five members should therefore be released right away. The church had already suffered a severe loss of image, however, and the campaign to malign the church continued.

For all the strong persecution, various projects such as CAUSA, the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principle and the Professors World Peace Academy are developing in Argentina, and many young people are learning Wonhwa-do. Business ventures, such as a honey business, and an import-export company, are supporting missionary work.

Now, the spiritual level of the Argentine church has soared. The spiritual world has become brighter due to Reverend and Mrs. Moon's visit to South America, and, with the end of the persecution, many young people are coming to listen to the Principle.

*** CARP members